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    A robust and long ravine at the western end of the Gľac plateau. At the end of the ravine, there is situated the Roth ravine, named after one of the most famous Slovak Paradise guides. Both banks of the ravine have the shape of very steep stone walls that are up to 300 m high.
    The first passage through the ravine was realised by Prof. M. Roth, Dr. N. Filarský and M. Karoliny on August 20, 1898. One month later the same group replenished by the art photographer, Mr. R. Forberg, overpassed the ravine for the second time. Mr. Forberg´s photos were the first photos of the Slovak Paradise ravines.
    In 1956, the Mountain Rescue Service members put the first metal ladders into the ravine. A memorial board was placed to the entrance of the Roth ravine.

ACCESS: on foot from Hrabušice or from Betlanovce.
SURROUNDINGS: Podlesok, Suchá Belá (Dry Belá), Piecky, Malý Kyseľ (Small Kyseľ), Kláštorisko, Gľac, Geravy, Dedinky and Mlynky.

    Veľký Sokol - Jeseň vo Veľkom Sokole
    Veľký Sokol - Malý vodopád
    Veľký Sokol - Veľký vodopád
    Veľký Sokol - Rothova roklina I
    Veľký Sokol - Rothova roklina II
    Veľký Sokol - Vodná nádrž Blajzloch



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